
Greetings! I am Abhijeet, or simply Abhi. Having earned a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, my love for technology, computers, and coding led me to pursue Building Information Management (BIM) early on. BIM seeks to integrate data into architecture through parametric 3D modeling. My first job was centered on developing a web-based platform for the customization of luxury apartments. This project allowed me to engage in hands-on coding, revisit Cartesian math, and deepen my interest in automation. My passion for data has only intensified with time, as I strive to automate a significant portion of architectural design and detailing through artificial intelligence. Once accomplished, let's call it 'The Architect' (We are in the Matrix). Recently, I obtained a Master's degree in Data Science, furthering my pursuit of building 'The Architect'.

On a personal level, I am a bibliophile with a plethora of unfinished books adorning my shelves. However, I am infatuated with reading good hard sci-fi stories and anything regarding physics, astronomy, mathematics, evolution, and science in general. Occasionally, I indulge in random fantasy reads, but I prefer short stories in this genre. My latest speed run featured Remembrance of Earth's Past by Liu Cixin, a must-read for all sci-fi enthusiasts.

While I cherish movies and television series, I find science fiction, fantasy, mind-bending, horror, and thrillers the most intriguing. In addition to watching movies, I relish documentaries on the Universe, science, history, and technology. Solo traveling has become one of my most pleasurable experiences. I hope to travel extensively and qualify as a bonafide wanderlust.

Abhi out. 💛